

Cowan Dynamics’ presence at the IMARC is crucial forvalve automation in the mining industry

Cowan Dynamics' presence at the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) in beautiful Sydney, Australia, is crucial for staying at the forefront of valve automation in the #mining industry....

🚢 Our Latest Shipment – Pneumatic Diaphragm Actuator CDA Series

When it comes to harnessing the force of pressured fluids to drive your #actuators, there's virtually no actuator we can not provide...

Aumenta la eficiencia de las celdas de flotación

Aumenta la eficiencia de las celdas de flotación con la avanzada tecnología patentada de Cowan para #actuadores de válvula tipo dardo.

Trusted partner in valve actuation

For over 67 years, we at Cowan Dynamics have been the trusted partner in valve actuation and automation solutions.

Our latest shipment of the E2H Series

Does your valve automation require precise control, high thrust, fail-safe, or rapid-cycle valve solutions? Look no further than Cowan's E2H...

Shipment: CSY Scotch Yoke Actuator

Yet another successful achievement in providing a tailored solution of Cowan Dynamics' CSY Cowan Dynamics Scotch Yoke Actuator.


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